jueves, 23 de enero de 2020


Hemos empezado la tercera actividad del Proyecto APS "Paso de Primaria a Secundaria". La actividad consiste en hacer una descripción de los dos edificios que forman el IES Valle del Jiloca, para que los alumnos de Primaria se hagan una idea de cómo es el centro.
La actividad la hacemos conjuntamente con los alumnos de FPB que se encargan de describir el edificio de INA (Industrias Alimentarias) y nosotros, los de 2º ESO que describimos el edificio principal.
Patro nos ha entregado una hoja con preguntas acerca del Centro, como la dirección en la que se encuentra, número de profesores, de alumnos, departamentos etc, así como vocabulario. Varios alumnos hemos salido para preguntar lo que no sabíamos al Director, Jefa/e de Estudios ...

El resultado de las descripciones es el siguiente:


INA BUILDING                                                                      

Students of INA studies and Bachillerato are in this building.
There are two floors in this building; on the groundfloor: the Information Desk, two toilets, two classrooms, the staff room and the bakery. The bakery is the biggest space on the groundfloor, there are a lot of cookery items, such as, cupboards, silverware, some sinks, an oven, some pans, some shelves, a kneading machine, a fermentator and so on.
We use all of this in our practical lessons to cook different meals and desserts like pizza, pasta, cakes, cookies etc.
Next to the bakery there is a store to keep food.
The stairs take us to the first floor where there are two toilets, some benches and a lot of classrooms for Bachillerato and INA lessons; there is also a lab.
Outside, next to the building, there is an ecological garden where it is grown onions, peppers, cabbages, green beans, eggplans, pumpkins etc. The production is used to transform plant products into food.
The practical classes serve to see the complete food cycle, from the time they are planted until they are cooked.
¡¡ It is amazing to study here!!



Our school is called IES Valle del Jiloca, it is located in a town called Calamocha, that belongs the Province of Teruel.
Our Secondary school has got two buildings, the Secondary School building with the students of ESO,  and INA building for Bachillerato and Professional studies  (INA and FPB).
The Secondary School has a big hall where you can find, on the right the staff-room, and at the end of this corridor is the Technology workshop; just opposite the entrance there is a secretarie and the door for the playground; on the left,  you find the Information Desk, and also the Headmaster and Deputies Headmasters´offices. At the end of the corridor  the Assembly Hall is, it is a place for meetings, listening lectures, watching films and sometimes to take exams. Next to the Information Desk  is the Careers and  Advice Department.
The students of 3rd and 4th ESO  are on the groundfloor.
Upstairs, on the first floor students of 1st ESO are, in addition to those of 2nd and 3rd. The library  and Music room are also upstairs.
Teachers are grouped according to the subject they teach, so there are different Departments, for example, Spanish Language, Maths, Biology, History and so on.
This school year there are about 350 students and 43 teachers. The Headmaster is Rafael Civera, who teaches Philosophy; and the Deputy Headmasters´ are Beatriz Pamplona, who teaches Physics and Chemestry, and Roberto Polo, who teaches Spanish Language.
About 1st ESO, there are 59 students divided into three groups: A, B and C. They study eleven subjects: Maths, English, French (new this year), Arts, History, Spanish Language, P.E, Biology, Music, Religion and Tutory.
Each student is assigned a class: A, B or C, the subjects are taught in the same class except Music and Arts; these subjects have their own class. P.E is taught at the Sports Centre, we go  on foot there.
During the school year we read different books, In 1st of ESO we read “Isis and Osiris” (History), “El Medallón Perdido” y “Mitos Griegos” (Spanish Language), “Jojo” (French) and a voluntary book in English.
Classes are in the morning, they start at 8.30 am, when the bell rings, and finishes at 14.20 pm, after six lessons, three before the breaktime and three after it; the break lasts 30 minutes, from 11.10 am to 11.40 am.
During the breaktime we go to the playground to play or to stay with friends. We can also go to the library to study or to do the homework.
It is forbidden to leave the school until  3rd ESO.

¡¡This is the Seconday School where you will come next year!!

Los textos los hemos grabado en un podcast acompañado de una presentación power point con los lugares más significativos del centro.

Todo el material se ha enviado a los alumnos de 6º de Primaria, nuestros futuros compañeros.

                                             ¡HASTA LA PRÓXIMA ACTIVIDAD!